The Barnstormer Tour will start with a training camp down in Florida in late April and at the conclusion of the camp will travel North to play teams in the Frontier League, American Association, and the Atlantic League.   The purpose of the training camp is to get your work in, do initial evaluations heading into the Barnstormer Tour, and get a longer evaluation against top notch talent heading into Pacific Association spring training.  

Playing teams in other leagues provides a great opportunity to showcase your talent to managers in other leagues.  Even if a player doesn’t get signed to another league during the tour laying a foundation is crucial and all these additional live plate appearances heading into spring training will keep your timing on point.  For pitchers it gives them a great opportunity to dial in their control and their feel for off speed pitches.   

Major Benefit To The Barnstormer Tour

Players have a lot of options to showcase their talent but this option is more like having an extended spring training invite and there is no gap between the tour and the Pacific Association spring training so you still have your timing down and are dialed in to put yourself in the best situation to earn a final roster spot.   

At the end of the day there is direct signing ability and a longer duration evaluation.   You will get a legitimate look not just the “Indy Ball Glance.” 

Let us know you are interested in more information about the Barnstormer Tour and we will keep you in the loop!   Click HERE To Contact Us.